Small Business Loans NZ

We’ve spent hours researching the best small business loans in New Zealand.
Compare your options. It’s 100% Free & No Paperwork.

How much funding are you looking for?

Totally free process, will not affect your credit rating

Lend will...

Business Loans - Save you hours

Saves you time

Get the best and fastest deal with our expert credit analysis.

Business Loans - Save you money

Saves you money

Our free process can save you money in interest & fees..

Business Loans - Upload Documents

Provide expert help

Best business should have the best business loan.

As featured in...
  • Business Logo
  • Canstar Logo
  • Business Builders Logo

Our process makes it simple for you

  1. One Application
    Simply complete one form and get access to multiple business loan lenders and rates.
  2. Expert Analysis
    We analyse your business quickly to work out how much you can borrow and on what terms.
  3. Best Lender Match™
    We match you to the finance lender who will give you the best deal, first time.

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At Lend, we make it easy for you to get the business finance you need to cover any working capital gaps or get you access to the money you need to grow your business.

It’s not that the big banks do not want to lend money to small business, it’s just their processes don’t always make it easy. Fortunately, there are non bank lenders who make it easy. You can literally get access to money the same day you apply. In most cases there is no paperwork as it’s all done electronically.


These small business loans from non bank lenders include unsecured business loans, invoice financing, short term business loans to a business line of credit. With our business loan calculator tools and in-depth knowledge, we can help you make the right decision. Get the best business loan interest rate and cashflow friendly payments.

Grow the business you want.

See if you qualify